The Eightband Butterflyfish (Chaetodon octofasciatus) is a stunning and graceful marine species known for its distinctive appearance and striking coloration. Found primarily in coral-rich areas of the Indo-Pacific, this fish is a favorite among aquarists who appreciate its beauty and elegance.
Key features:
- Appearance: Its body is adorned with eight distinct, black vertical bands running across a pale yellow or whitish background, with a splash of vivid yellow near the tail. The fish’s eye is concealed by one of these bands, giving it a unique, masked look.
- Size: Reaches up to 6 inches in length, making it a medium-sized butterflyfish.
- Temperament: Generally peaceful, though it may exhibit territorial behavior in smaller tanks or with similar species.
- Habitat: Thrives in well-maintained reef aquariums with ample swimming space, live corals, and hiding spots. Known to favor coral-rich environments.
- Diet: Primarily feeds on coral polyps, but in captivity, it can be trained to accept frozen and live foods, as well as specialized marine diets.
- Care Level: Requires advanced care due to its coral-feeding habits and sensitivity to water conditions. Best suited for experienced aquarists.
With its elegant banded pattern and gentle movements, the Eightband Butterflyfish is a showstopper in any saltwater aquarium, adding both beauty and a touch of the wild coral reefs to your tank.